Who broke the build is an Alexa Skill that runs on AWS Lambda. You can use it to shame your co-workers when they break the Jenkins build!


How to use it

The following steps assume you are already familiar with creating Alexa Skills and AWS Lambdas.

    "jenkinsUrl": "yourjenkins.com",
    "jenkinsPort": 8080,
    "jenkinsUser": "jenkins",
    "jenkinsApiToken": "replace_with_your_jenkins_api_token",
    "jenkinsJobName": "Name of the job you are interested in watching if breaks"
  "intents": [
      "intent": "WhoBrokeTheBuild",
      "slots": []
WhoBrokeTheBuild who broke the build

Once everything is configured, you can simply say to your Amazon Echo: "Alexa, ask jenkins who broke the build"
